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Wimbledon, Banger World Final 11/11/01

Another year another World Final at Wimbledon. Over 100 cars in attendance with 39 having gained qualification to the final. The other 60 or so cars competed in two last chance qualifiers which gave winners 732, Mark Bryant and 245, Jack France qualification to the final. As usual some of the paint jobs were brilliant even if the choice of machinery was fairly mundane.
The final was won by Willie Skoyles (41) at the 16th succesive attempt, the place men were Mark Smith (416) and Mark Welland (264). The first visitor home was Shane Brown (120) in 4th.

Thanks to Tim & Alex Catley for the photos and words, also to Chris Jones for the results and great report from this meeting which can be viewed on my Race Reports page.

Click picture to see enlargement.

117 in a XJ40 from Isle of Man.jpg

201 in a Westminster from Spedeworth.jpg

236 in a Mk2 Hearse from Barford.jpg

254 in a Mk2 from Autospeed.jpg

27 in a XJ6 from Spedeworth.jpg

41 in a Mk2 from Spedeworth.jpg

416 in a Mk2 from Spedeworth.jpg

88 in a Mk3 Hearse from Trackstar.jpg

320 got trashed by 233.jpg

World Final in action.jpg

66 followed in 269 big style.jpg

The follow in of the night came when.jpg

294 and 414 jack up 198.jpg

Remains of bristol 198.jpg

287 enjoyed himself.jpg

320 got a massive shot from 120in the DD.jpg

414 snap his car good.jpg

54 snap his PC Cresta good.jpg

Defending world champ car looks worse for ware.jpg

Mail comments to bb_622@hotmail.com

Generated on 11/19/01